Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rorschach maybe?

The dreams are what get me.  I thought the alcohol would alleviate the soul-crushing guilt that was sprawled across my shoulders.  Only, the booze and the consequential public degradation of my character just packed on the weight.  My spine is bent from too much regret; I am Atlas plagued with arthritis.

I weep for this city.  They all walk around with their wide eyes staring away from the darkness surrounding them.  Corrupt politicians promise economic growth and gun control; all we hear are short-handed vows and false truths.  And these people avert their gaze to televisions and gossip magazines, refusing to acknowledge the wasteland this place has become.  It reeks of pestilence, pining for revolution and change.

My nostrils fill with the stench.  It creeps into my nasal cavity and spreads like a disease.  Seeping into my lungs, infecting my heart, filling my mind with wishes of redemption.  I cling to it in desperation.  How can I help those who do not wish to be helped?  How do you corral animals in the wild?

A scream echoes off the walls, maybe a woman in trouble; the angry shouts of fighting men drift out from an alleyway; crying children's voices carry from splintered windows in dimly lit apartments.  And the nightmares of raging fires swallowing angels on a snowy night; devils swooping in on babies and stealing them away to Hell; the nightmares that woke me up with cold sweats and a marathon heartbeat.

The dreams haunt me, the memories choke me, the reality drives me.  I am alone in the fight.  Someone's got to do it.  Someone has to stand up to the tyrannical nature of this establishment.  I'm no hero.  I'm no martyr. I'm just tired.

Train platform intro

The early morning sun creeps between clouds and casts flickering light on the streets below, the city crawling out of bed to face the day.  Rain from last night's storm clings to puddles not yet evaporated, fighting to dampen shoes and turn graduation money sundresses into soggy rugs with each passing car.  The aroma of wet pavement rises to the nostrils of commuters standing on the platform staring blankly down the tracks for the tell-tale sign of work: the bright headlights of an oncoming train car.  A suave businessman stands on the street corner in a well-cut suit and slicked brown hair, chatting away on his cellphone and hailing a cab simultaneously.  The driver peels away from the curb, momentarily distracting the iPhone-addicted teenagers from their social media updates with screeching tires and a rattling engine with too much wear and not enough motor oil.  Before the odor of burnt rubber can dissipate and be lost amongst the stench of hot trash and the piss of vagrants, the familiar sound of metal grinding on metal echoes down the street.  The train slows as it approaches its stop, ringing the bell to warn those waiting to step back from the platform.

Property of Liam Feldstein, 2012

Renewed Drive With New Blog

I have taken a really, really long break from creative writing.  A lot of things have developed along my personal timeline of life that forced me to place it on a backburner.  Graduating, job hunting, working, music; everything got in the way.  Oh and for some reason, I couldn't get the new Blogger interface to import my old Musings blog so I just started a new one.

But now it's time to get back to what I love: writing.  Over the last couple weeks, I've been scribbling little plots in my head, looking to finally finish my novel which is going to remain Untitled, for the time being.  Rereading my old work from UMass sent a small shiver down my spine; so many flaws, plotholes, boring or nonexistent dialogue, plenty of "wait, where did that came from" moments.  And I've squeezed in some books as well: almost all of Bret Easton Ellis' works, Hunger Games (cause who didn't read those), City of Thieves (dear God, if you read one book in your life, make it this one); lots of graphic novels too which provide a really interesting medium for storytelling.

Thanks to the lovely iPhone tech, I can post on the go as well.  Scene here, chapter there; it doesn't matter to me so long as I am writing.

So feel free to leave comments and whatnot, I'd love feedback whether it's positive or negative.  I'm excited to take Mia to new places and delve back into her dark world.

Stay tuned!