Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Renewed Drive With New Blog

I have taken a really, really long break from creative writing.  A lot of things have developed along my personal timeline of life that forced me to place it on a backburner.  Graduating, job hunting, working, music; everything got in the way.  Oh and for some reason, I couldn't get the new Blogger interface to import my old Musings blog so I just started a new one.

But now it's time to get back to what I love: writing.  Over the last couple weeks, I've been scribbling little plots in my head, looking to finally finish my novel which is going to remain Untitled, for the time being.  Rereading my old work from UMass sent a small shiver down my spine; so many flaws, plotholes, boring or nonexistent dialogue, plenty of "wait, where did that came from" moments.  And I've squeezed in some books as well: almost all of Bret Easton Ellis' works, Hunger Games (cause who didn't read those), City of Thieves (dear God, if you read one book in your life, make it this one); lots of graphic novels too which provide a really interesting medium for storytelling.

Thanks to the lovely iPhone tech, I can post on the go as well.  Scene here, chapter there; it doesn't matter to me so long as I am writing.

So feel free to leave comments and whatnot, I'd love feedback whether it's positive or negative.  I'm excited to take Mia to new places and delve back into her dark world.

Stay tuned!

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